20 Other Ways to Say “Nice to See You Again” (With Examples)

Emily Hanis

20 Other Ways to Say Nice to See You Again (With Examples)

We’ve all been there – bumping into an old friend at the grocery store or reconnecting with a colleague at a conference. That moment when you want to express your joy at the encounter, but “nice to see you again” feels a bit stale. Fear not! I’ve got your back with twenty fresh ways to convey that warm, fuzzy feeling of reconnection. Let’s dive in and spice up your greetings!

Is it professional to say “Nice to see you again”?

Absolutely. This phrase strikes a perfect balance between warmth and professionalism. It’s polite, friendly, and appropriate for most business contexts. Whether you’re greeting a client, colleague, or business partner, it conveys a positive tone without being overly familiar. However, the level of formality can be adjusted based on your relationship and the setting. In more casual professional environments, you might opt for slightly more relaxed variations.

Here Are 20 Other Ways to Say “Nice to See You Again”

  • What a pleasant surprise to see your face again!
  • It’s wonderful to reconnect with you!
  • I’m thrilled we crossed paths again!
  • What a delightful surprise to see you here!
  • Hey there, stranger! Long time no see!
  • It’s great to see your smiling face again!
  • Fancy seeing you here! What a nice surprise!
  • I’m so happy we’ve managed to catch up!
  • It’s a pleasure to reconnect with you after all this time!
  • What a joy to see you again! Let’s not be strangers.
  • Well, well, well! Look who’s graced us with their presence!
  • It’s been too long! I’m thrilled we’re finally catching up.
  • What a pleasant surprise to cross paths with you again!
  • I was just thinking about you! How serendipitous to see you here.
  • It’s like no time has passed! Great to reconnect with you.
  • What a delightful surprise to run into you here! How have you been?
  • I was hoping I’d bump into you! How’s life treating you?
  • Hello, stranger! Ready to break our radio silence?
  • What a joy to see a familiar face in this crowd!
  • Look who the wind blew in! It’s great to see you again.

1. “What a pleasant surprise to see your face again!”

"What a pleasant surprise to see your face again!"

This phrase packs a punch by combining the element of surprise with the personal touch of mentioning their face. It’s perfect for unexpected encounters.

Example scenario:
You’re at a local coffee shop when you spot your old college roommate, Samantha, ordering her usual latte.

“Samantha? What a pleasant surprise to see your face again! It’s been ages since our dorm days. How’ve you been?”

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2. “It’s wonderful to reconnect with you!”

This expression emphasizes the act of reconnecting, making it ideal for situations where you’re deliberately reaching out to someone after a long time.

Example scenario:
You’re sending an email to a former mentor you haven’t spoken to in years.

Subject: Reaching out – A blast from the past!

Dear Dr. Thompson,

I hope this email finds you well. It’s wonderful to reconnect with you after all these years! Your guidance during my undergraduate studies has been invaluable, and I’d love to catch up and share how your mentorship has shaped my career.

3. “I’m thrilled we crossed paths again!”

This phrase conveys excitement and a sense of serendipity ,perfect for chance encounters.

Example scenario:
You run into a former colleague at an industry conference.

“Mark! I’m thrilled we crossed paths again! Who would’ve thought we’d both end up at this AI symposium? We definitely need to grab coffee and catch up.”

4. “What a delightful surprise to see you here!”

What a delightful surprise to see you here!

This expression combines politeness with genuine pleasure, suitable for more formal settings or with people you don’t know extremely well.

Example scenario:
You’re at a charity gala and spot a business acquaintance you haven’t seen in a while.

“Mrs. Patel! What a delightful surprise to see you here! I had no idea you were involved with this organization. It’s wonderful to see you supporting such a great cause.”

Read more grammar lessons on Synolinker

5. “Hey there, stranger! Long time no see!”

This casual, friendly greeting works well with people you’re comfortable with, especially if it’s been a while since you last met.

Example scenario:
You bump into an old high school friend at the mall.

Hey there, stranger! Long time no see! I almost didn’t recognize you with that new haircut. How long has it been – five years? We’ve got some serious catching up to do!”

6. “It’s great to see your smiling face again!”

This warm, personal greeting acknowledges the person’s presence and positive demeanor.

Example scenario:
You’re welcoming back a teammate who’s been on extended leave.

“Welcome back, Sarah! It’s great to see your smiling face again in the office. We’ve missed your energy around here. How was your sabbatical?”

7. “Fancy seeing you here! What a nice surprise!”

This playful greeting works well in unexpected situations or locations where you wouldn’t normally expect to see the person.

Example scenario:
You spot a neighbor while on vacation in a different country.

Fancy seeing you here! What a nice surprise! Of all the beaches in the world, we end up on the same one in Bali. Small world, huh?”

Read more about 20 Creative Ways to Say “Have a Nice Evening”

8. “I’m so happy we’ve managed to catch up!”

"I'm so happy we've managed to catch up!"

This phrase is perfect for when you’ve been trying to meet up with someone for a while and finally succeeded.

Example scenario:
You’re meeting a busy friend for coffee after months of trying to coordinate schedules.

“Alex! I’m so happy we’ve managed to catch up finally! It feels like we’ve been playing calendar Tetris for months. How’s life been treating you?”

9. “It’s a pleasure to reconnect with you after all this time!”

This more formal expression works well in professional settings or when reaching out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a very long time.

Example scenario:
You’re writing a LinkedIn message to a former professor.

Dear Professor Johnson,

I hope this message finds you well. It’s a pleasure to reconnect with you after all this time! I’ve been following your recent publications on sustainable energy, and they’ve inspired me to reach out. I’d love to hear more about your current research if you have a moment to chat.

10. “What a joy to see you again! Let’s not be strangers.”

What a joy to see you again! Let's not be strangers.

This greeting combines warmth with a subtle invitation to stay in touch, making it perfect for rekindling connections.

Example scenario:
You’re at a high school reunion, chatting with an old friend.

What a joy to see you again, Emma! Can you believe it’s been a decade since graduation? Let’s not be strangers – we should definitely catch up more often. How about we plan a proper coffee date next month?”

11. “Well, well, well! Look who’s graced us with their presence!”

This playful, slightly dramatic greeting works well with close friends or in lighthearted settings.

Example scenario:
You’re hosting a dinner party, and a chronically late friend finally arrives.

“Well, well, well! Look who’s graced us with their presence! Fancy seeing you here, Jake. We were about to send out a search party!”

12. “It’s been too long! I’m thrilled we’re finally catching up.”

It's been too long! I'm thrilled we're finally catching up.

This expression conveys genuine excitement about reconnecting after a significant time apart.

Example scenario:
You’re meeting an old college friend for lunch after years of sporadic contact.

“Emma! It’s been too long! I’m thrilled we’re finally catching up. You haven’t changed a bit – still rocking that infectious smile. How’s life been treating you since graduation?”

13. “What a pleasant surprise to cross paths with you again!”

This phrase emphasizes the serendipitous nature of your encounter, making it perfect for unexpected meetings.

Example scenario:
You bump into a former coworker at a farmers’ market.

Nice surprise to see you again, Carlos! Who would’ve thought we’d run into each other amidst the kale and carrots? How’s life post-Acme Corp treating you?”

14. “I was just thinking about you! How serendipitous to see you here.”

This greeting adds a personal touch by mentioning that the person was on your mind recently.

Example scenario:
You spot an old neighbor at a local art gallery.

“Mrs. Thompson! I was just thinking about you the other day. How serendipitous to see your face here! Are you still nurturing that beautiful rose garden?”

15. “It’s like no time has passed! Great to reconnect with you.”

"It's like no time has passed! Great to reconnect with you."

This expression emphasizes the ease of falling back into familiarity with someone, even after a long time apart.

Example scenario:
You’re catching up with a childhood friend at your high school reunion.

“Sam! It’s like no time has passed! Great to reconnect with you after all these years. You still have that mischievous glint in your eye – I bet you’ve got some stories to tell!”

16. “What a delightful surprise to run into you here! How have you been?”

This polite and warm greeting works well in professional settings or with acquaintances you’re not extremely close to.

Example scenario:
You encounter a former client at an industry conference.

“Mr. Patel! What a delightful surprise to run into you here! How have you been? I trust business has been booming since our last project together?”

17. “I was hoping I’d bump into you! How’s life treating you?”

This greeting suggests a genuine interest in catching up and works well when you’ve been hoping to reconnect with someone.

Example scenario:
You spot a former mentor at a networking event you knew they might attend.

“Dr. Rivera! I was hoping I’d bump into you here. It’s wonderful to see you again! How’s life treating you? I’d love to hear about your latest research if you have a moment.”

18. “Hello, stranger! Ready to break our radio silence?”

Hello, stranger! Ready to break our radio silence

This casual, slightly humorous greeting acknowledges a period of no contact and invites the other person to catch up.

Example scenario:
You’re reaching out to a friend you haven’t spoken to in months via text message.

Hello, stranger! Ready to break our radio silence? 😊 It’s been way too long since we last caught up. Coffee this weekend to remedy that?”

19. “What a joy to see a familiar face in this crowd!”

This warm greeting works well in busy or unfamiliar settings where seeing someone you know is particularly comforting.

Example scenario:
You spot a colleague at a large international conference.

“Sarah! What a joy to see a familiar face in this crowd! I didn’t know you were attending this conference too. Want to grab lunch and compare notes on the morning sessions?”

20. “Look who the wind blew in! It’s great to see you again.”

Look who the wind blew in! It's great to see you again.

This folksy, cheerful greeting adds a touch of humor and warmth to your reunion.

Example scenario:
An old friend unexpectedly shows up at your local pub.

“Well, look who the wind blew in! It’s great to see you again, Mike! Long time no see, buddy. Pull up a chair and tell me what adventures you’ve been up to!”


These twenty alternatives to “nice to see you again” offer a range of options to suit different situations and relationships. Whether you’re reconnecting with an old friend, bumping into a colleague, or reaching out to a long-lost acquaintance, these phrases will help you express your genuine pleasure at the encounter.

Remember, the key to making these greetings sound natural is to tailor them to your personal style and the specific context. Don’t be afraid to add your own flair or combine elements from different phrases to create something uniquely you.

Next time you find yourself face to face with someone from your past, or even just seeing a familiar face after a short while, try one of these expressions on for size. You might be surprised at how a small change in your greeting can lead to a more engaging and meaningful interaction.

So go forth and reconnect with confidence! Whether it’s a happy catch-up over coffee, a chance encounter on the street, or a long-overdue email, you now have the tools to make that reconnection just a little bit more special. After all, life’s too short for mundane greetings when you can spread a little extra joy with your words.

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