20 Other Ways to Say “Keep up The Good Work” (With Examples)

Emily Hanis

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Other ways to say "keep up the good work"

In the world of professional settings, finding fresh ways to offer positive feedback can be a game-changer. We’ve all heard “keep up the good work” countless times, but there are so many other ways to give praise and motivate team members. Let’s dive into twenty alternative phrases that’ll help you boost morale and foster a culture of personal development in your workplace.

Table of Contents

Is It Professional to Say “Keep up The Good Work”?

While “Keep up the good work” is a common phrase in professional settings, it can sometimes feel generic or overused. However, it remains a valid way of giving praise when delivered sincerely. For more impact, consider tailoring your feedback to specific achievements or using alternative phrases that highlight particular strengths. The key is to offer sincere feedback that motivates team members and encourages continuous improvement in their personal development.

Here are 20 Other Ways To Say “Keep up the good work”

  • You’re on the right track – keep pushing forward!
  • Your hard work is paying off – don’t let up now!
  • I’m impressed by your progress – what’s your next goal?
  • You’re setting a great example – keep leading the way!
  • Your dedication is inspiring – stay committed to excellence!
  • You’re making great strides – keep that momentum going!
  • Your creativity is shining through – continue to innovate!
  • You’re exceeding expectations – aim even higher!
  • Your growth is remarkable – keep embracing new challenges!
  • You’re a valuable asset to the team – keep up your fantastic effort!
  • Your consistent quality is impressive – maintain this standard!
  • You’re making a real impact – keep driving positive change!
  • Your skills are sharper than ever – continue honing your craft!
  • You’re a true professional – keep setting the bar high!
  • Your innovative approach is refreshing – continue thinking outside the box!
  • You’re exceeding benchmarks – push those boundaries even further!
  • Your resilience is admirable – keep bouncing back stronger!
  • You’re becoming a go-to expert – continue expanding your knowledge!
  • Your attention to detail is unparalleled – maintain that keen eye!
  • You’re a catalyst for team success – keep inspiring those around you!

1. “You’re on the right track – keep pushing forward!”

"You're on the right track – keep pushing forward!"

This phrase acknowledges current progress while encouraging continuous improvement. It’s perfect for giving praise to someone who’s making strides but still has room to grow.

Example scenario:
In an email to a junior designer named Alex:

“Hey Alex,

I just reviewed your latest mockups for the client’s website. You’re on the right track – keep pushing forward! Your color choices are spot-on, and I love how you’ve incorporated the client’s branding. Maybe experiment a bit more with the layout to really make it pop. Can’t wait to see where you take this!”

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2. “Your hard work is paying off – don’t let up now!”

This expression recognizes the effort put in and encourages perseverance. It’s great for motivating team members who’ve been putting in extra hours or tackling challenging projects.

Example scenario:
During a performance review with Sarah, a sales representative:

“Sarah, I’ve got to say, your hard work is paying off – don’t let up now! Your sales numbers have increased by 15% this quarter, and clients are raving about your customer service. Keep refining your approach, and I’m confident you’ll hit even bigger targets next quarter.”

3. “I’m impressed by your progress – what’s your next goal?”

This phrase offers sincere feedback while prompting the recipient to think about their long-term objectives. It’s ideal for fostering a growth mindset among your team members.

Example scenario:
In a casual hallway conversation with Mike from accounting:

“Hey Mike, I’m impressed by your progress on streamlining our expense reporting process. The new system you implemented has saved us hours each week. What’s your next goal? I’d love to hear what other improvements you have in mind.”

4. “You’re setting a great example – keep leading the way!”

This comment not only praises the individual but also highlights their positive influence on others. It’s perfect for recognizing natural leaders within your team.

Example scenario:
During a team meeting:

“Before we wrap up, I want to give a shout-out to Priya. You’re setting a great example with your project management skills – keep leading the way! Your organized approach and clear communication have really helped our team stay on track. Let’s all take a page from Priya’s book!”

5. “Your dedication is inspiring – stay committed to excellence!”

"Your dedication is inspiring – stay committed to excellence!"

This phrase acknowledges the person’s work ethic and encourages them to maintain their high standards. It’s great for recognizing contributions that go above and beyond.

Example scenario:
In a company-wide newsletter:

“Employee Spotlight: This month, we’re recognizing Carlos from IT. Carlos, your dedication is inspiring – stay committed to excellence! Your quick response times and innovative solutions have not gone unnoticed. Thanks for always going the extra mile to keep our systems running smoothly.”

6. “You’re making great strides – keep that momentum going!”

This expression recognizes progress and encourages continued effort. It’s perfect for motivating team members who are showing improvement or taking on new challenges.

Example scenario:
In a performance feedback email to a new hire named Jamie:

“Hi Jamie,

I wanted to touch base about your first month with us. You’re making great strides – keep that momentum going! I’ve noticed how quickly you’ve picked up our project management software and how you’re already contributing valuable ideas in team meetings. Looking forward to seeing what you’ll achieve in the coming months!”

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7. “Your creativity is shining through – continue to innovate!”

This phrase celebrates originality and encourages further personal development in terms of innovative thinking. It’s ideal for creative roles or when someone brings fresh ideas to the table.

Example scenario:
During a brainstorming session:

“Wow, Zoe! Your creativity is shining through in these marketing campaign ideas. I especially love the interactive social media challenge you proposed. Continue to innovate! Your out-of-the-box thinking is exactly what we need to stand out in this competitive market.”

8. “You’re exceeding expectations – aim even higher!”

This comment acknowledges exceptional performance while encouraging continuous improvement. It’s great for high-achieving team members who might need a nudge to push their boundaries even further.

Example scenario:
In a quarterly review with Tom, a project manager:

“Tom, I’ve got to say, you’re exceeding expectations with how you’ve handled the Wilson account. The client feedback has been stellar, and you’ve consistently delivered ahead of schedule. Aim even higher! I think you’re ready to take on multiple accounts simultaneously. What do you think about that challenge?”

9. “Your growth is remarkable – keep embracing new challenges!”

This phrase recognizes personal development and encourages the individual to continue stepping out of their comfort zone. It’s perfect for team members who have shown significant improvement or taken on new responsibilities.

Example scenario:
In a LinkedIn recommendation for a former intern, Lila:

“During her time at our company, Lila’s growth was remarkable. She started with basic data entry tasks but quickly mastered our CRM system and began contributing to client strategy meetings. Lila, if you’re reading this, keep embracing new challenges! Your ability to learn and adapt will take you far in your career.”

10. “You’re a valuable asset to the team – keep up your fantastic effort!”

"You're a valuable asset to the team – keep up your fantastic effort!"

This expression acknowledges the individual’s importance to the team while encouraging them to maintain their high level of performance. It’s great for boosting morale and fostering a sense of belonging.

Example scenario:
In a team chat message:

“@David, I just wanted to give you a quick shout-out. You’re a valuable asset to the team – keep up your fantastic effort! The way you stepped up to help with the client presentation last week, even though it wasn’t your project, really shows your dedication. We’re lucky to have you on board!”

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11. “Your consistent quality is impressive – maintain this standard!”

This phrase recognizes sustained effort and encourages the continuation of high-quality work. It’s ideal for team members who consistently deliver excellent results.

Example scenario:
In a project completion email to Lisa, a content writer:

“Hi Lisa,

I’ve just finished reviewing the latest batch of blog posts you’ve submitted. Your consistent quality is impressive – maintain this standard! Each article is well-researched, engaging, and perfectly aligned with our brand voice. You’re really setting the bar high for our content team.”

12. “You’re making a real impact – keep driving positive change!”

This expression acknowledges the tangible results of someone’s work and encourages them to continue being a force for improvement. It’s great for team members who initiate or lead successful changes.

Example scenario:
During a department meeting:

“Before we move on, I want to highlight the work Ryan’s been doing. Ryan, you’re making a real impact with your sustainability initiatives – keep driving positive change! The reduction in our office’s carbon footprint is significant, and other departments are starting to follow your lead.”

13. “Your skills are sharper than ever – continue honing your craft!”

This phrase recognizes improvement in specific skills and encourages ongoing process of refinement. It’s perfect for acknowledging personal development in a particular area.

Example scenario:
In a performance review with Nadia, a graphic designer:

“Nadia, I’ve noticed your skills are sharper than ever, especially in motion graphics. Continue honing your craft! The animations you created for our last campaign were a game-changer. Have you considered taking any advanced courses to push your skills even further?”

14. “You’re a true professional – keep setting the bar high!”

"You're a true professional – keep setting the bar high!"

This comment acknowledges someone’s professionalism and encourages them to continue being a role model. It’s ideal for recognizing contributions that exemplify company values or professional standards.

Example scenario:
In a client feedback forwarded to Marcus, a customer service representative:

“Marcus, I wanted to share this glowing feedback from the Johnson account. The client wrote, ‘Marcus is a true professional – his patience and expertise turned a potentially frustrating situation into a positive experience.’ Keep setting the bar high, Marcus! Your approach to customer service is exactly what we strive for.”

15. “Your innovative approach is refreshing – continue thinking outside the box!”

This phrase celebrates creativity and encourages continued innovative thinking. It’s great for team members who bring fresh perspectives or novel solutions to challenges.

Example scenario:
During a product development meeting:

“Aisha, I have to say, your innovative approach to solving our packaging dilemma is refreshing. Continue thinking outside the box! Your idea of using biodegradable materials not only solves our sustainability issues but could also be a major selling point. Let’s explore this further.”

16. “You’re exceeding benchmarks – push those boundaries even further!”

This expression recognizes excellent performance that goes beyond set standards and encourages even greater achievements. It’s perfect for high performers who thrive on challenges.

Example scenario:
In a sales team email:

“Attention team,

I want to give a special shout-out to Derek. You’re exceeding benchmarks across the board – push those boundaries even further! Your client acquisition rate is 30% above target, and your customer retention strategies are being adopted company-wide. What’s your secret, and how can we all learn from it?”

17. “Your resilience is admirable – keep bouncing back stronger!”

"Your resilience is admirable – keep bouncing back stronger!"

This phrase acknowledges perseverance in the face of challenges and encourages continued resilience. It’s ideal for team members who’ve overcome obstacles or navigated difficult situations successfully.

Example scenario:
In a one-on-one check-in with Olivia, a project manager:

“Olivia, I just want to say that your resilience in handling the setbacks on the Thompson project is admirable. Keep bouncing back stronger! The way you’ve realigned the team and adjusted our timeline without compromising quality is impressive. Your ability to stay positive under pressure is a real asset.”

18. “You’re becoming a go-to expert – continue expanding your knowledge!”

This comment recognizes growing expertise and encourages further learning and development. It’s great for team members who are establishing themselves as subject matter experts.

Example scenario:
In a LinkedIn endorsement for a colleague named Hassan:

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Hassan for the past two years, and I’ve watched him become a go-to expert in cloud security. Hassan, continue expanding your knowledge! Your ability to stay ahead of emerging threats and implement cutting-edge solutions has made our systems more secure than ever.”

19. “Your attention to detail is unparalleled – maintain that keen eye!”

This phrase praises meticulousness and encourages the continuation of careful, thorough work. It’s perfect for roles where precision and accuracy are crucial.

Example scenario:
In a code review comment to Sofia, a software developer:

“Sofia, I’ve just gone through your latest commit. Your attention to detail is unparalleled – maintain that keen eye! Not only did you fix the bug, but you also optimized the function for better performance. This level of thoroughness is exactly what we need for robust, efficient code.”

20. “You’re a catalyst for team success – keep inspiring those around you!”

"You're a catalyst for team success – keep inspiring those around you!"

This expression recognizes someone’s positive influence on the team and encourages them to continue being a source of inspiration. It’s ideal for team members who boost morale and drive collective success.

Example scenario:
During an annual team retreat:

“Before we break for lunch, I want to acknowledge Jamal’s contributions this year. Jamal, you’re a catalyst for team success – keep inspiring those around you! Your positive attitude, willingness to help others, and ability to rally the team during tight deadlines have significantly contributed to our record-breaking performance this quarter.”


Finding alternative ways to say “keep up the good work” is crucial for giving praise that feels genuine and impactful. These twenty phrases offer a variety of options to acknowledge efforts, recognize contributions, and encourage ongoing progress.

Remember, the key to effective praise is sincerity. Tailor your feedback to the specific situation and individual. By diversifying your approach to positive feedback, you’ll create a more engaging and motivating environment for your team.

Whether you’re offering compliments in person, via email, or during performance reviews, these alternatives will help you express approval in fresh and meaningful ways. They not only recognize current achievements but also encourage continuous improvement and personal development.

So, the next time you’re tempted to say “keep up the good work,” challenge yourself to use one of these alternatives. Your team members will appreciate the thoughtful and specific feedback, and you’ll be fostering engagement and driving productivity in the long term.

By mastering the art of giving varied and sincere praise, you’re not just motivating your team – you’re cultivating a culture of appreciation and growth. And that’s something worth keeping up!

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