20 Other Ways to Say “Have a Good Rest of Your Day” (With Examples)

Emily Hanis

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Other Ways to Say " Have a Good Rest of the Day "

We’ve all been there – wrapping up a conversation or an email, wanting to wish someone well, but feeling stuck with the same old phrase. “Have a good rest of your day” is a classic, but sometimes we crave a little variety. Let’s dive into some fresh options that’ll add a dash of creativity to your farewells.

Is It Professional To Say “Have a Good Rest of Your Day”?

Yes! Saying “Have a good rest of your day” is generally considered professional and courteous. It’s a warm expression that shows consideration for the recipient’s well-being without being overly familiar. This phrase strikes a nice balance between friendliness and formality, making it suitable for most professional contexts.

However, the appropriateness can depend on your industry’s culture and the specific relationship with the person you’re addressing. When in doubt, it’s a safe and positive choice for ending professional interactions.

Here are 20 Other Ways to Say “Have a good rest of your day”

  • Enjoy the rest of your day
  • Make the most of the rest of your day
  • I hope your day continues to be wonderful
  • Have a wonderful remainder of your day
  • Wishing you a pleasant day ahead
  • May the rest of your day be delightful
  • Keep having a fantastic day
  • Stay positive for the rest of the day
  • Have a relaxing rest of the day
  • I hope the day continues to treat you well
  • May your afternoon be as bright as your smile
  • Wishing you smooth sailing for the rest of the day
  • Hope the rest of your day is a real treat
  • May your day continue to shine
  • Sending good vibes for the rest of your day
  • Here’s to a fantastic finish to your day
  • May the hours ahead be kind to you
  • Wishing you a day that only gets better
  • May your day continue to exceed expectations
  • Here’s hoping the day keeps smiling on you

1. “Enjoy the Rest of Your Day”

"Enjoy the Rest of Your Day"

This simple twist on the classic phrase adds a touch of warmth. It’s perfect for both casual and professional settings.

Example scenario (Email):
Subject: Meeting Follow-up
Dear Sarah,

Thanks for your time in our project review meeting. I’ve attached the updated timeline as discussed. Let’s touch base next week to finalize the details.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Best regards,

Read more about 20 Other Ways to Say Happy Valentine’s Day

2. “Make the Most of the Rest of Your Day”

This phrase encourages the recipient to seize the day and make it count. It’s great for motivating colleagues or friends.

Example scenario (Text message):
Hey Jake! Sorry I can’t make it to lunch today. Raincheck for next week? Make the most of the rest of your day, buddy!

3. “I Hope Your Day Continues to Be Wonderful”

This option assumes the person’s day has already been good and wishes for that positivity to continue. It’s a cheerful outlook that can brighten someone’s mood.

Example scenario (Customer service call):
“Thank you for calling Tech Support. I’m glad we could resolve your issue today. I hope your day continues to be wonderful! Is there anything else I can help you with?”

4. “Have a Wonderful Remainder of Your Day”

This slightly more formal version is perfect for professional emails or conversations with superiors.

Example scenario (Business email):
Dear Mr. Thompson,

I appreciate your prompt response to our proposal. We’ll incorporate your suggestions and send the revised version by Friday.

Have a wonderful remainder of your day.

Emma Carter

5. “Wishing You a Pleasant Day Ahead”

This phrase looks forward, expressing hope for the upcoming hours. It’s a warm regard that works well in various contexts.

Example scenario (Dentist’s office):
“Your cleaning is all done, Ms. Johnson. Your next appointment is scheduled for six months from now. Wishing you a pleasant day ahead!”

6. “May the Rest of Your Day Be Delightful”

This slightly whimsical phrase adds a touch of charm to your farewell. It’s great for friends or in more casual professional settings.

Example scenario (Coffee shop):
Barista: “Here’s your vanilla latte, extra hot. May the rest of your day be delightful!”
Customer: “Thanks! You too!”

7. “Keep Having a Fantastic Day”

"Keep Having a Fantastic Day"

This phrase assumes the person’s day has been going well and encourages them to maintain the fun. It’s upbeat and positive.

Example scenario (Social media comment):
“Loved seeing your vacation photos, Lisa! Looks like you’re having an amazing time. Keep having a fantastic day and enjoy those beautiful beaches!”

8. “Stay Positive for the Rest of the Day”

This encouragement to maintain positivity is perfect for when you know someone’s facing challenges or stress.

Example scenario (Text to a friend):
“Hey Sam, I know that presentation was tough, but you nailed it! Stay positive for the rest of the day. We’ll celebrate your success tonight!”

You might be interested in 20 Other Ways to Say “Happy Friday”

9. “Have a Relaxing Rest of the Day”

When you know someone’s had a stressful time, wishing them a chance to unwind can be very thoughtful.

Example scenario (Email to a coworker):
Hi Maria,

Great job wrapping up that intense project! The client was thrilled with the results. I’ve handled the final report, so no need to worry about that.

Have a relaxing rest of the day. You’ve earned it!


10. “I Hope the Day Continues to Treat You Well”

This phrase adds a touch of personification to the day, making it feel like a friendly force. It’s a unique way to wish someone well.

Example scenario (Ending a business call):
“Thanks for your time, Dr. Patel. We’ll proceed as discussed and update you next week. I hope the day continues to treat you well!”

11. “May Your Afternoon Be as Bright as Your Smile”

This charming phrase adds a personal touch and spreads positivity. It’s perfect for friendly interactions or when you want to boost someone’s mood.

Example scenario (Café):
Barista: “Here’s your cappuccino, extra foam just as you like it. May your afternoon be as bright as your smile, Rachel!”

12. “Wishing You Smooth Sailing for the Rest of the Day”

"Wishing You Smooth Sailing for the Rest of the Day"

This nautical-inspired phrase is a creative way to wish someone an easy and pleasant time ahead. It’s great for both casual and professional settings.

Example scenario (Email to a project team):

Great progress on the Johnson account today. I’ve uploaded the latest files to our shared drive.

Wishing you smooth sailing for the rest of the day!


13. “Hope the Rest of Your Day Is a Real Treat”

This playful expression adds a touch of fun to your farewell. It’s ideal for friends or in more relaxed work environments.

Example scenario (Text to a friend):
“Thanks for the coffee catch-up, Liz! Always great to see you. Hope the rest of your day is a real treat!”

14. “May Your Day Continue to Shine”

This uplifting phrase assumes the person’s day has been good so far and wishes for that positivity to continue. It’s a warm regard that can brighten someone’s outlook.

Example scenario (Ending a successful business meeting):
“Thank you all for your valuable input. We’ve made great progress today. May your day continue to shine as brightly as our discussion!”

15. “Sending Good Vibes for the Rest of Your Day”

"Sending Good Vibes for the Rest of Your Day"

This modern, casual expression is perfect for friends or colleagues in a relaxed setting. It’s a cheerful way to wish someone well without being too formal.

Example scenario (Social media comment):
“Congrats on the new job, Chris! So excited for you. Sending good vibes for the rest of your day and this new chapter!”

Read more grammar lessons on Synolinker

16. “Here’s to a Fantastic Finish to Your Day”

This phrase has a celebratory tone, making it great for ending on a high note. It’s suitable for both professional and personal contexts.

Example scenario (Conclusion of a team meeting):
“Great work, everyone. We’ve covered a lot of ground today. Here’s to a fantastic finish to your day! Let’s regroup tomorrow morning.”

17. “May the Hours Ahead Be Kind to You”

This gentle expression conveys a wish for a peaceful and pleasant time. It’s particularly nice when you know someone has had challenges or stress.

Example scenario (Email to a colleague):
Hi Jamie,

I heard about the tough client meeting this morning. You handled it like a pro. I’ve taken care of the follow-up emails, so don’t worry about those.

May the hours ahead be kind to you. Take it easy if you can.


18. “Wishing You a Day That Only Gets Better”

This optimistic phrase looks forward, expressing hope for continuous improvement. It’s a great way to encourage positivity.

Example scenario (Customer service chat):
Agent: “I’m glad we could resolve your issue, Mr. Garcia. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”
Customer: “No, that’s all. Thank you!”
Agent: “You’re welcome! Wishing you a day that only gets better from here!”

19. “May Your Day Continue to Exceed Expectations”

This expression combines optimism with a touch of formality, making it suitable for professional settings or when you want to impress.

Example scenario (Conclusion of a client presentation):
“Thank you for your time and attention today. We’re excited about the potential of this partnership. May your day continue to exceed expectations!”

20. “Here’s Hoping the Day Keeps Smiling on You”

"Here's Hoping the Day Keeps Smiling on You"

This personification of the day adds a whimsical touch to your farewell. It’s a friendly and creative way to wish someone well.

Example scenario (Text to a friend):
“Just saw your post about the surprise promotion – congrats! You totally deserve it. Here’s hoping the day keeps smiling on you, superstar!”

Why Vary Your Expressions?

Using alternative ways to express good wishes isn’t just about avoiding repetition. It’s about making your communication more engaging, personal, and memorable. When you put thought into how you say goodbye, whether in person or in writing, you’re showing that you care about the interaction and the person you’re addressing.

These varied phrases can:

  • Add a personal touch to professional communication
  • Show creativity and thoughtfulness
  • Adapt to different situations and relationships
  • Make your messages stand out
  • Encourage positivity and goodwill

Choosing the Right Expression

The key to using these alternative expressions effectively is to consider the context and your relationship with the recipient. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

  1. Formality: Some phrases are more suitable for professional settings, while others work better in casual interactions.
  2. Time of day: Adjust your wording if you’re speaking in the morning versus late afternoon.
  3. Known circumstances: If you’re aware of the person’s situation, you can tailor your expression accordingly (e.g., wishing relaxation after a stressful event).
  4. Cultural considerations: Be mindful of cultural differences in expressions of goodwill.
  5. Medium of communication: What works in an email might sound odd in a text message or vice versa.

The Impact of Positive Farewells

Never underestimate the power of a heartfelt goodbye. These expressions to wish well can:

  • Boost mood: A sincere good wish can lift someone’s spirits.
  • Strengthen relationships: Thoughtful farewells show you care about the other person’s wellbeing.
  • Encourage reciprocity: When you wish someone well, they’re likely to return the sentiment.
  • Create lasting impressions: A unique farewell can make you memorable in professional and personal interactions.


Language is a powerful tool for connection, and even small phrases like “have a good rest of your day” can make a significant impact. By expanding your repertoire of farewell phrases and good wishes, you’re not just varying your language – you’re enhancing your interactions and spreading positivity.

Remember, the goal isn’t to complicate your goodbyes but to make them more meaningful. Choose expressions that feel natural to you and appropriate for the situation. With practice, these new phrases will become second nature, allowing you to end conversations and correspondence on a high note.

So, as we wrap up this exploration of alternative expressions, I hope you feel inspired to mix up your farewells. May your future interactions be filled with creative, heartfelt goodbyes that leave lasting positive impressions. And of course, have a wonderful remainder of your day, however you choose to express it!

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